Popular Pets
High Tier Pets
Adopt Me Age Up Potions Account
This account contains the following
- 250+ Age Up Potions
- 125k+ Bucks
The account credentials will be sent to you via email after purchase
How Do I Claim My Order?
Shopbloxs uses manual delivery to avoid delivery issues! Contact us via live chat or email to claim your order!
Do The Pets Have A Fly Ride Potion?
Yes, 99% of the time the pets have potions eaten! If the pet you ordered does not have a potion eaten you can request one for FREE
Why do you need my address?
Your card provider requires us to ask you for your address and full name in order to process your payment. This information is necessary for any online purchase. We only use your information for payment processing and we never sell your personal data.
How do I receive my Age Up Potion Account?
Accounts are typically sent to the email you use at checkout within 1-3 hours. To read more about the process click here
Adopt Me Age Up Potions Account
The account contains the following
- 600+ Age Up Potions
- 400K+ Bucks
The log in details will be sent to your email!